Famous Artists And Their Iconic Creations!

Art and Its Beauties

Photo from www.biographyonline.net%2Fartists%2Ffamous-paintings-top-10.html&psig=AOvVaw0GbKGmP6WcECRDaZLbQhLI&ust=1605899623863000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAMQjB1qFwoTCLCXodOoj-0CFQAAAAAdAAAAABAF

Photo from www.biographyonline.net%2Fartists%2Ffamous-paintings-top-10.html&psig=AOvVaw0GbKGmP6WcECRDaZLbQhLI&ust=1605899623863000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAMQjB1qFwoTCLCXodOoj-0CFQAAAAAdAAAAABAF

Cydelle Tovar, Writer

Since art is such a big thing in the world. There were and are a bunch of famous artists. Some you may know. I mean everyone should know these cause they’re iconic. There’s Edvard Munch who made ‘The Scream’. Jan Vermeer made ‘The Girl With The Pearl Earring’. Leonardo Da Vinci made the famous ‘Mona Lisa’ and ‘The Last Supper’. I know sometimes it’s hard to put a name to a face, so putting a name to a piece of art also might be difficult but once you see them, you’ll recognize them.

Now, the reason I picked these specific artists and paintings is because they are iconic to me. “The Scream” used to scare me. I just thought that it looked creepy. I’m honestly not sure if that was Munch’s intention, I doubt it but it was still creepy to me. But then I grew up and realized that it’s literally not scary at all and now when I see it all I think of is that episode of ‘Friends’  when Phoebe is screaming. 

“The Last Supper” isn’t really  that personal to me. I know that people know it from religious stuff. I’m not really religious but I do know about the painting from that. Like I’m pretty sure my abuelita has the picture somewhere in here house.

As for “The Girl With The Pearl Earring”, I, for some reason, thought that the woman or girl in the painting looked familiar. I have no idea why but just the fact that I felt like I saw her before really drew me to the painting which made it more interesting to me.
