instructions of Hockey

Tadas Martinka, Writer

Hockey is a 5v5 game played on ice.

I really love this sport because you get knowledge and you improve everyday in the game.

How I would get started is to go out and purchase gear for yourself so you can skate and be safe on ice.

Hockey takes a lot of time to learn just like in any other topic or sports. You need to be physical and athletic and have IQ to have the chance of being in the big league for the future.

 My suggestions for learning on skating or being physical, take lessons and push yourself for being physical and having the urge to have the best.

If you take advantage of yourself and listen to this blog you will succeed in playing sports, being smart and having an amazing future. This will take a lot of time, this could even last for the rest of your life, but you have to have the motivation and gears in you so you keep moving. I always tell myself this, if you give up now, there will be no second chances. Except if you work 2x harder the last time you did you will have a guaranteed chance in being the greatest.