Enter The Wild Kingdom- Why Are They Going Extinct

Photo from: https://www.sanctuaryfederation.org/2019/12/06/the-wild-animal-sanctuary-and-the-wild-animal-refuge-in-colorado-are-accredited-by-the-global-federation-of-animal-sanctuaries/

Photo from: https://www.sanctuaryfederation.org/2019/12/06/the-wild-animal-sanctuary-and-the-wild-animal-refuge-in-colorado-are-accredited-by-the-global-federation-of-animal-sanctuaries/

Blaize Balman, writer

     Animals are going extinct every day but why? This is something that has been going on for thousands of years. Animals are going extinct because of people, climate change, and much more. The worst of these things is people. People are the ones who destroy animals’ homes by cutting down trees, building cities where there were once forests. Animals are being hunted by poachers and sold for their fur, ivory, and even for sport. We have killed off 680 vertebrate species and there are a million species under threat of extinction from humans alone.

     Some animals that are going extinct such as tigers, amur leopard, gorillas, rhinos, sea turtles, tooth-billed pigeons, gharials, and so many more. 

     How can we save these animals? We can start by donating to sanctuaries that are trying to save these animals. Help to restore their homes. Recycle to reduce the amount of trash each day. There are so many ways to help these exotic animals redeem their numbers. 

