Why Black Widow Is Great For What It Is, But What It Is Isn’t Great

Little dwarf man rants about Marvel movies

image from: https://www.google.com/search?q=black+widow+movie&rlz=1CAHZJV_enUS836&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiJz4S1ysfyAhWPB80KHZs-AFoQ_AUoAnoECAEQBA&safe=active&ssui=on#imgrc=eR4jn73XtDlSbM

image from: https://www.google.com/search?q=black+widow+movie&rlz=1CAHZJV_enUS836&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiJz4S1ysfyAhWPB80KHZs-AFoQ_AUoAnoECAEQBA&safe=active&ssui=on#imgrc=eR4jn73XtDlSbM

Nate Gaschler, Writer

I didn’t get a Disney+ account until a couple of weeks ago. Therefore, I was starved for new Marvel content for literally over two years. Then I finally got to watch a new Marvel movie… and it was essentially all backstory.

Black Widow released 738 days after the previous Marvel movie, Spider-Man: Far From Home. The movie follows Black Widow, obviously, and what she did between the end of Captain America: Civil War and the beginning of Avengers: Infinity War. While the new movie told us a lot about the mysterious past of an Avenger, it wasn’t really anything new. I wanted to know more about what happened after Avengers: Endgame, because except for Far From Home and the brief descriptions of the Disney+ shows, I had no idea what had happened. Then a movie finally came out and it all happened in the past. Anyway, time for an actual review.

Ignoring the criticism of the time of release and all, I thought that the movie was very well made. The characters were relatable, the story was great, and I love how in the most serious and sad moments, the characters could still make a funny joke. The plotline was easy to follow, yet still not entirely simple. The villain was great, and I love how it finally resolved many of Black Widow’s past problems. Although, I didn’t care for the fact that all of the characters (except Black Widow) never appeared throughout any movies that chronologically follow it. Although, my biggest problem was with the post-credits scene (uhh I’ll throw a spoiler warning in here I guess). 

The post-credits scene shows a lady (who I later figured out first appeared in Falcon and the Winter Soldier, although I don’t remember her name) talking to Natasha’s sister, who was visiting Natasha’s grave. She then tells Yelena that Hawkeye killed Black Widow. He did not do that, and it makes it seem like Yelena will try to kill Hawkeye, possibly in the Hawkeye Disney+ show that has been revealed. Which I don’t like as obviously Hawkeye did nothing wrong. Anyway, final rating of Black Widow: 8.5/10.