Jim + Pam

The Office

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Maddy Landers, Writer

¨Paula, I love you¨ ¨But Bob… I’m getting married!¨ isn’t this scenario sad? Yeah, it is. This is exactly what happened to Jim Halpert when he confessed his feelings for Pam. It’s like those really sad movie scenes when the girl runs away in the rain while the guy watches her and starts bawling his eyes out. I honestly couldn’t describe this part of the show better. BUT, Later in the season we discover that Pam’s fiance is abusive. 

 Jim runs up to him, WAPOW. I’m joking. That didn’t happen. Pam called off the engagement. JIM AND PAM END UP MARRIED!?!?!?!??!?!?!??!?!?!? What in the world? Their wedding took place in an ordinary church in Scranton, Pennsylvania. Typical. During Pam and Jim’s honeymoon Dwight calls them ¨Ayo Jim, when are you coming home. I miss you.¨ Jim apparently enjoys this call but hangs up.

BUT THEN. When they come back from their honeymoon, they discover that Pam…… Is….. PREGNANT?!?!?!?! WHAT. She gives birth to a beautiful baby girl! I forgot her name, It’s not important. That baby was sent from down below. Dwight became extremely jealous of Pam and Jim’s baby because he was supposed to be Pam’s best friend, not the baby. So Dwight makes a plan to end the baby’s life while Pam is in a meeting. He didn’t actually kill her kid. He found out that she was actually a nice baby.