How The Batman Did it Better Than The Dark Knight

How The Batman Did it Better Than The Dark Knight

Aubre Booker, Writer

The reason I say this is the most realistic Batman is because this Batman seems like an actual fear cause in all of the Batman movies or shows or games it talks about he like the dark and he takes everything serious. So in the movie “The Batman” it shows Batman that criminals should fear when they see his symbol in the sky and see a shadow behind them and thinks it’s Batman. Also another thing I like is that they portray that Batman and Bruce Wayne are two different personalities. And it shows the the Batman is more dark because “The Batman” Bruce Wayne is more quiet and isn’t doing anything and is very silent and just watches and the same when he’s Batman he doesn’t talk and he likes to analyze.

And this Batman is more realistic cause he is more of a detective than a person that just fights all night. And then in “The Batman” the villain in it is very realistic because he doesn’t look like a supervillain, he just looks like a normal person that is just really crazy and smart.