A Dance Life

Lily Duran, Writer

Competition/ Recital

Dance is a very fun sport. I mean there are so many types of dance. The is lyrical, jazz, tap, musical theater, acro, ballet, and many more, But I especially love competitive dance. I love Hall of Fame competitions. They are so fun but take all day, especially when you are doing 5 to 6 dances. Competition is an all-day event where you just perform and get judged on your performance and at the end of the day you see where you placed. My least favorite competition is the Power of Dance. You are up so late and waiting hours and hours after you dance for awards. Honestly, I think the Hall of Fame competition is so much better because it starts early but ends early. While the Power of Dance starts late and ends very late and not to mention takes a while to get there.

Recitals are so much fun though. They take 2 to 3 hours and you perform more than once. All the dances don’t take long and there is no competition which lets us dance for fun. As much as I love the Hall of Fame, I prefer recitals at Mundelein Dance Company.

Dance feet

Dance has so many opportunities and is really fun. I love it because the family you make and the costumes you wear can also be entertaining. Costumes and dance shoes make up most of the dance. If your costume doesn’t match the vibe you get points off. Most costumes are comfy but some are very itchy. Especially the sequin costumes.

Dance shoes are very important. You can get points off if you are doing a jazz dance but have ballet shoes on. Dance shoes all react differently. Ballet is more slippery. Tap shoes are to make noise. Jazz shoes are like ballet shoes but are less slippery. And lyrical is only half the shoes while acro has no shoes. The shoes I personally like the best would be jazz shoes because they are so comfy and easy to dance in.