Visiting popular places in California that I would recommend going -Visiting HollyWood

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Ivan Salgado, Writer

After visiting Los Angeles I went to hollywood and matter of fact it is worth going over there. I went over there and the first thing I saw was Simon Cowell from America got talent. He is a judge. I was shocked I had no reaction besides just taking a picture and left on my way to explore around, I mean after all its hollywood. Some places that I went to explore in Hollywood are Hollywood Boulevard, Crossroads of the World, Guinness World Record Museum. Hollywood has more to offer then Los Angeles but I have to say they are both phenomenal places to go. Lots of famous places to go to and there are celebrities there from time to time you might not see a lot because they are busy after all their celebrities. But I can say Hollywood is a place that you would have no regret going to depending where you’re going.