Overrated/overpriced makeup products that aren’t worth it


Julie Navarrete Alvarez, Writer

There is many makeup products that are extremely overpriced and ridiculously overrated. Most of the time the product isn’t really worth that much money. For example, everyone knows about the Tarte shape concealer. A lot of people use it and it costs 24 dollars , which is pretty expensive for concealer and especially for the bottle sizes they sell. The elf concealer works even better than the tarte concealer and it is only 7 dollars. Anastasia’s products are also extremely expensive, they arent bad but you can get the same exact product with different brands that have way better prices, including drug store brands.

There is also many primers that are extremely expensive and overrated , and they are not worth it and dont work at all. Like the porefessional primer by benefit cosmetics. Its 32 dollars for such a small bottle size, and the product is completely trash. You can literally get an even better primer with 5 dollars. Also, Kylie cosmetics are so overrated and crazy overpriced. You pay 25 dollars for the worst lip products, and her palettes really aren’t worth 40 dollars. But if you really like her cosmetics, you can get the same exact thing buying from colourpop cosmetics, way cheaper but not any better.