A day in the life of a student going back to school after a year

Going back to school in person after a year

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Leigha Geske, Writer

I’m going to take you along on a day of school after a year of being away. My morning starts when I look at my phone after I wake up. After I look at my phone for a little I get dressed and go downstairs and eat my breakfast. After I eat my breakfast I make lunch and pack my backpack. When I pack my  backpack I double check and make sure I have everything I need just like any other normal year. 

After I check my backpack I get a water bottle and my chromebook case I walk down to my bus stop. After I get down to my bus stop I wait a couple minutes then I get on the bus. Something that is different from any other school year is we have to wear masks on the bus. When I get to school I am normally one of the first busses to arrive. When I get to school each grade has a different spot to go to until school starts.  After I get off the bus I go to the lunch room because this because of COVID each grade has a different spot to go to and wait for the homeroom to start. I normally talk with my friends during that time that sit at my table.

After homeroom starts we are only in there for about 10-15 minutes. After Homeroom I go to periods 1-5. During passing period we all have to try and stay 3 feet apart from earache out is hard because there is so many people the hallway.  After 5th period I go to lunch. At lunch they split us up by last name so so my friends are in the south gym.  After lunch I go to periods 7-9. Then after  9th period I go to my locker and get my backpack and get on the bus. Then I get off the bus and finally get to take my mask off. Then I go home and do it all over again the next day.